
Support Polish Culture in Toronto

It’s through your generosity that we can continue to ensure that Polish culture
remains strong in our community.

Your support for Biały Orzeł is essential to help us maintain and grow our rich cultural identity. For inquiries, please contact [email protected].

The day to day operating costs, costume acquisition and maintenance / repair, transportation to local events as well as International travel expenses are some of the challenges we constantly face. Our dancers participate in charity work, benefit shows and appearances for other nonprofit organizations in our community. Currently our fundraising comes from bake sales, dinner dances and private donations from people who care like you.

Your sponsorship may take many forms. We are always looking for talented individuals with musical teaching skills, technical dance instructors, event planners and travel agents to name a few. Any support you could provide would be much appreciated. Contact us to discuss these opportunities.

Your donations of time, talent or funds will go a long way to help Biały Orzeł achieve our goals. For your support and inquiries, please contact [email protected].

How can you help us?

Being a non-profit organization, our continued success relies on donations from generous contributors such as yourself. We very much thank you for any assistance you can provide.

Thank you to all our sponsors and supporters who have helped Bialy Orzel instill love of dance in the youth we serve. Your contributions, small and large have sent a clear message, ``youth are important, valued, and cared for members of community.`` They truly are our future and your gifts are an investment in that future.

We invite you to support these community-minded organizations. For inquiries, please contact [email protected]. (click the logo to learn more about each contributor):